Esclerosis múltiple

La actriz estadounidense Selma Blair sufre una grave enfermedad que complica su carrera artística

Selma Brair, conocida principalmente por su papel protagónico en la película “Hellboy”.

La actriz estadounidense Selma Blair dio a conocer una grave enfermedad que padece: esclerosis múltiple. Muchísimas personas se solidarizaron con ella y le dieron su apoyo en las redes sociales.

Conocida principalmente por su papel protagónico en la película “Hellboy”, pero también por “Crueles intenciones” y “Una rubia muy legal”, reveló la delicada situación que atraviesa su salud. Reapareció en los Premios Oscars 2019, fue su primera vez en tamaño evento.

Ver esta publicación en Instagram

There are moments that define us. This is one of those indelibly watermarked in my heart. This is #troynankin ; my former publicist turned manager , best friend , and fake husband. We joke. I have become a different woman in the last few years, through struggles and the intense pride of motherhood. @vanityfair has always been a champion of mine, like Troy. And yet, I have not fully realized my capabilities as an actress. I wanted to be at this red carpet to remember my first time attending with a not yet famous friend, @jakegyllenhaal . I believed in him and his career and wanted him there. And this dinner always symbolizes so much. And I kept going because it was always a night in hollywood that was full of hollywood dreams with all the talent present in their glory. I loved to watch. I was invited this year. I am featured in March issue . Thank you @radhikajones @kristasmith @samiranasr #juliemiller @cassblackbird . So this was a streak of light. To say I am here. I am still in an exacerbation so there was some nervousness. I don’t do anything the way I was once able. I will though. I can regain much. Mommas gotta work. And I will be able to do so much more on my own, But this man. Until that comes ...This man and a host of others light the way and hold the moon @thetexastroya was a hero. Wanting me to shine brightly in a time that can be so challenging. He knew I wanted to be able to stand proudly as the woman I have become and hope to be. To be a part of something so special when my body won’t move clearly yet. And then I felt the love from the photographers who have watched me goof around on red carpets since I was in my twenties. I felt the warmth of the bulbs. The strength of my gown. His attentive touch. And still I hoped my brain could send signals for the remainder of my time there. And I sobbed. And I appreciated every single second. Every surprising tear, he was there. As he has always been. And that is the reason I could. Thank you Troy. We got me just where I wanted to be. For a night. And I later pushed my way into a family photo with @dianaross (omg) . So much to post but not before this one. True love. Right here. Forever.

Una publicación compartida de Selma Blair (@selmablair) el

Pero concretamente esta enfermedad se trata de un cuadro crónico del sistema nervioso central y la padecen aproximadamente 2,5 millones de personas en el mundo. Los síntomas son diversos y depende de cada persona, aún no hay certezas de sus causas.

Justamente, los últimos Oscars fueron su primera aparición pública luego de que le diagnosticaran su estado de salud. En el evento estuvo despampanante con un vestido de Ralph & Russo. El detalle estuvo en el bastón que portaba y que hacía visible uno de sus síntomas.

“He tenido síntomas durante años pero nunca los tomé en serio hasta que me caí frente a él (médico) tratando de resolver lo que yo pensaba que era un nervio comprimido”, contó la actriz. Y agregó que tuvo “esta enfermedad incurable durante al menos quince años”.

Por último, en 2018, en su cuenta de Instagram, Selma había escrito: “Estoy discapacitada. Me caigo a veces. Dejo caer cosas. Mi memoria se nubla. Y mi lado izquierdo está pidiendo indicaciones a un GPS estropeado. Pero estamos en ello”.

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